IT Status
Scheduled Maintenance
SCHEDULED – Banner Maintenance: Sunday, 2/16: 4:00AM – 10:00AM
DETAILS OF WORK – The Banner Production Database will be unavailable while we apply upgrades to the Banner Applications.
SERVICES AFFECTED – Banner Production Database (Banner Admin and Banner Self-Service) and all related third party products (such as Pace Portal, TouchNet, Appworx, PayPal, E-Procurement, etc.).
REASON FOR WORK – We will be applying upgrades to the Banner Applications.
SCHEDULED – Cisco Jabber Maintenance: : Wednesday, 2/5: 8:00PM – 11:59PM
DETAILS OF WORK – We will be performing upgrades to the phone system, which impacts Cisco Jabber. During this time, external Cisco Jabber authentications will be unavailable while maintenance work is being performed. This affects Cisco Jabber access for off-campus users not connected to the virtual private network (VPN).
SERVICES AFFECTED – Cisco Jabber for external users only.
REASON FOR WORK – Performing upgrades to the phone system.
SCHEDULED – Xmedius (Lanfax) Maintenance: Monday, 2/3: 1:30PM – 3:00PM
DETAILS OF WORK – Access to fax with Xmedius (Lanfax) will be unavailable while maintenance is being performed.
SERVICES AFFECTED – Xmedius (Lanfax).
REASON FOR WORK – We will be migrating Xmedius (Lanfax) to a new server.
Recurring Maintenance
General IT Maintenance
Weekly Maintenance: Sunday, 4:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Weekly Maintenance: Monday – 7:00 AM
TeamDynamix Help Desk
Weekly Maintenance: Saturday, 12:00 AM – 4:00 AM